Asian carp near Lake Michigan!

AsianCarpNot a fish you want in your lake

Sophisticated genetic testing in Chicago area waterways has found evidence of the dreaded Asian carp within seven miles of Lake Michigan, federal and state officials said in a cautious note of concern Friday.

The carp apparently leaped over an electrical barrier once called the "last line of defense" for the Great Lakes.  Chicago Breaking News – link provided by Greg Reisig

”Lions and Tigers and Carp.
Oh My!”

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1 Response to Asian carp near Lake Michigan!

  1. Unknown says:

    The silhouettes are great! Thank you for my heartiest laugh of the last week. I love how they appear so large and in close proximity so the true horror of the "dreaded" asian carp can fully be understood. Now, to geek out for a moment. That silhouette must be of a BigHead or Grass Carp. Obviously, had it been a Silver Asian Carp it would have been shown floating even more menacingly above the human\’s head as everyone knows those suckers fly and have a police record of injury and assault against unsuspecting boaters and fisherpersons. What I haven\’t seen is a concerted effort to turn this fish into a delicacy by getting a chef like Arun Sampanthavivat to proclaim it the new must eat fish. That way the few that do manage to "jump the electric fence" ( Did anyone really think that was going to work? REALLY?) will be ruthlessly pursued to extirpation by flotillas of unemployed charter fisherman from Michigan for the high paying and hungry Chicago Carp market. Let the free market wipe this species out, we don\’t need another fence…

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