Township Board approves 24 x 7 ambulance service

Vote was 3 to 2 in favor

ambulanceNote: An expanded story appears in the upcoming (April 20) print
          version of The Elk Rapids Progress.

Yesterday the Elk Rapids Township Board increased staffed ambulance service from 12 hours to 24 hours per day, seven days a week.

Township Supervisor supported taking action immediately on the ambulance service, then dealing with the fiscal needs in the fall, when the millage must be set. Township Treasurer Szymanski expressed concern if revenues continue to decrease. Trustee Amos stated that meetings with all stakeholders should take place prior to taking action. Trustee Palmer asked for clarification then expressed support for the measure.

After considerable discussion, Carolyn Boals moved to increase ambulance staffing to 24 x 7 with deferred millage and future meetings with stakeholders. Support came from White. After significant discussion, the vote was recorded, as follows:

White, Yes
Szymanski, No
Palmer, Yes
Amos, No
Boals, Yes

Motion passed, 3 to 2. Applause filled the room. A May 1 implementation is planned.

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